ACESocial by RISMedia | Features
How It Works
Choose Your Content
Take your pick from 2000+ Professionally Crafted Articles to add it to your timeline and plan weeks of posts within minutes.
Market Your Listings on Social, Landing Pages & Within Your Articles
Integrates directly with & MLS, so it’s no-sweat to show your listings to the very people that are engaging with your content.
Personalize Your Landing Pages
Easily create personalized branded landing pages so your followers never miss a chance to connect with you.
Manage Your Timeline
You can add or subtract scheduled content based on your audience. Also, search from our catalog of content to post manually.
Join the 42,000+ agents that save time with ACE Social
RISMedia’s ACESocial branded content helps you resonate on social media, automatically delivering your expertise to your social sphere, every day and with every post.
“Nothing compares to the ease of ‘set it and forget it’. With ACE, I know something will be there whether I interact with it or not, which is extremely helpful.”
“ACESocial gets in front of more than a couple million people every time something is posted on my LinkedIn. For what I’m paying, it’s the best bang for the buck I have on my internet spending.”
“Content marketing starts more conversations with our consumers. I realized just how powerful ACESocial was when I started receiving messages from my sphere on LinkedIn engaging with posted content.”
“With ACESocial, we can dedicate our attention to promoting listings and still have valuable articles posted with only a few clicks of the mouse. In addition, with the on-page listing display option, even a non-listing related post becomes an opportunity to show off our properties.”
“I have nothing but good things to say about ACESocial and highly recommend that if you want to work smarter, not harder as a real estate professional, consider partnering with ACESocial.
Made for Real Estate Professionals
We built ACESocial from the ground up to serve the needs of realtors, no one else.
Automated Posting to Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin
Engage with your audience and stay top of mind without wasting time on posts, or hiring a social media coordinator.